Below are articles I have written for English- and Spanish-language media covering environmental justice, social movements, and Indigenous rights.
To see my academic publications, click here.

with: Javiera Barandiaran
The beginning of the end of oil: Decommissioning challenges within energy transitions
Transforming Society (Oct. 2023)
It is not known how many oil and gas wells have been drilled around the world. While extraction continues from millions of active wells, many more have reached the end of their productive life and are currently sitting idle, unused or abandoned by their former operators. One calculation estimates more than 29 million abandoned oil and gas wells exist globally, emitting 2.5 million tons of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
The beginning of the end of oil: Decommissioning challenges within energy transitions
Transforming Society (Oct. 2023)
It is not known how many oil and gas wells have been drilled around the world. While extraction continues from millions of active wells, many more have reached the end of their productive life and are currently sitting idle, unused or abandoned by their former operators. One calculation estimates more than 29 million abandoned oil and gas wells exist globally, emitting 2.5 million tons of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Environment Ministry Revokes Protected Status for Indigenous Lands in Ecuador
ZNet (Feb. 2023)
+ Countercurrents
In Ecuador’s ’Referendum 2023’ on Sunday 5 February, citizens voted on eight government proposals for Constitutional reform, including one that affects the governance of Water Protection Areas (APH) and the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP). Just days earlier, however, the national Environment Ministry had annulled protected status for an APH on Indigenous lands in Cotopaxi province, undoing years of hardwork, political struggle, and social mobilization led by Indigenous communities.
ZNet (Feb. 2023)
+ Countercurrents
In Ecuador’s ’Referendum 2023’ on Sunday 5 February, citizens voted on eight government proposals for Constitutional reform, including one that affects the governance of Water Protection Areas (APH) and the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP). Just days earlier, however, the national Environment Ministry had annulled protected status for an APH on Indigenous lands in Cotopaxi province, undoing years of hardwork, political struggle, and social mobilization led by Indigenous communities.
Lead authors: Bharat Dogra & Dr Anupam Bhandari
Humanity, Nature, and Rights
Countercurrents (Sep. 2022)
Human beings have shown the capacity to change and modify Nature across vast temporal and geographical scales and in irreversible ways. This destructive tendency is inherent in the perception of relationships between humanity and Nature as relationships of dominance and a lack of reciprocity, in which [some] human beings seek to dominate, exploit, or even ‘conquer’ Nature. Against the ongoing dominance and destruction of Nature, one concept being mobilized relates to the Rights of Nature.
Humanity, Nature, and Rights
Countercurrents (Sep. 2022)
Human beings have shown the capacity to change and modify Nature across vast temporal and geographical scales and in irreversible ways. This destructive tendency is inherent in the perception of relationships between humanity and Nature as relationships of dominance and a lack of reciprocity, in which [some] human beings seek to dominate, exploit, or even ‘conquer’ Nature. Against the ongoing dominance and destruction of Nature, one concept being mobilized relates to the Rights of Nature.
Lead author: Dr Anupam Bhandari
The origin and legacy of Chipko Movement
Countercurrents (Apr. 2022)
The Chipko Movement is one of the most well-known popular movements in India, if not the world, and is frequently cited as an influence on subsequent activist groups – marking something of an environmental revolution in India. At root, it was the movement for saving trees in the Himalayan regions of Uttarakhand. Its influence stems in part from its members’ adherence to Gandhian practice and methods of non-violent resistance – taking direct action by hugging trees in order to protect them from being felled.
The origin and legacy of Chipko Movement
Countercurrents (Apr. 2022)
The Chipko Movement is one of the most well-known popular movements in India, if not the world, and is frequently cited as an influence on subsequent activist groups – marking something of an environmental revolution in India. At root, it was the movement for saving trees in the Himalayan regions of Uttarakhand. Its influence stems in part from its members’ adherence to Gandhian practice and methods of non-violent resistance – taking direct action by hugging trees in order to protect them from being felled.
Fighting the wildfires that threaten Chile's peatlands is vital for us all
openDemocracy (Feb. 2022)
The Selk’nam Community Organization in Chile continues to call for more support in fighting wildfires in Tierra del Fuego: protecting this unique ecosystem - a large store of carbon - is critical not just for the Indigenous people who call it home, but for the world as a whole.
openDemocracy (Feb. 2022)
The Selk’nam Community Organization in Chile continues to call for more support in fighting wildfires in Tierra del Fuego: protecting this unique ecosystem - a large store of carbon - is critical not just for the Indigenous people who call it home, but for the world as a whole.
Los incendios de Tierra del Feugo son una amenaza global
democraciaAbierta (Feb. 2022)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El extremo más meridional de Sudamérica es un gran almacén de carbono, vital no sólo para los pueblos indígenas que lo llaman hogar, sino para el mundo.
democraciaAbierta (Feb. 2022)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El extremo más meridional de Sudamérica es un gran almacén de carbono, vital no sólo para los pueblos indígenas que lo llaman hogar, sino para el mundo.
Wildfires are razing native forests and peatlands in Tierra del Fuego
Chile Today (Feb. 2022)
Devastating wildfires are raging in Tierra del Fuego. They threaten crucial global ecosystems and the ancestral territories of Chile’s Indigenous Selk’nam population. The Selk’nam Community Organization in Chile (COVADONGA ONA) has issued an urgent call for more assistance.
Chile Today (Feb. 2022)
Devastating wildfires are raging in Tierra del Fuego. They threaten crucial global ecosystems and the ancestral territories of Chile’s Indigenous Selk’nam population. The Selk’nam Community Organization in Chile (COVADONGA ONA) has issued an urgent call for more assistance.
Why the National Páramo Day in Ecuador matters
Uneven Earth (Jun. 2021)
+ Resilience
The páramo is a wetland ecosystem found only in the Andes, but its future well-being has global implications.
Uneven Earth (Jun. 2021)
+ Resilience
The páramo is a wetland ecosystem found only in the Andes, but its future well-being has global implications.
Por qué el Día Nacional de los Páramos en Ecuador es importante
democraciaAbierta (Jun. 2021)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El páramo contiene más carbono por hectárea que los bosques tropicales de tierras bajas, por lo que proteger este bioma es fundamental.
democraciaAbierta (Jun. 2021)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El páramo contiene más carbono por hectárea que los bosques tropicales de tierras bajas, por lo que proteger este bioma es fundamental.
Can Solar Power Initiatives Provide Sustainable Self-Employment?
India Development Review (IDR) (Mar. 2021)
Only by learning from past mistakes will Uttarakhand’s new solar self-employment scheme be able to create long-term livelihoods for those impacted by COVID-19.
India Development Review (IDR) (Mar. 2021)
Only by learning from past mistakes will Uttarakhand’s new solar self-employment scheme be able to create long-term livelihoods for those impacted by COVID-19.
Learning From the Struggle: Youth Participation in the Defense of Páramo Ecosystems
The Revelator (Feb. 2021)
+ Resilience
Organizers in Ecuador know that conservation efforts thrive when the next generation is informed and involved.
The Revelator (Feb. 2021)
+ Resilience
Organizers in Ecuador know that conservation efforts thrive when the next generation is informed and involved.
El Aromo Solar Project Sets Precedent for Renewable Energy in Ecuador
NACLA (Jan. 2021)
The solar development in Manabí province marks a shift in land use from carbon-intensive to low-carbon energy production.
NACLA (Jan. 2021)
The solar development in Manabí province marks a shift in land use from carbon-intensive to low-carbon energy production.
El proyecto solar El Aromo y el reto de las renovables en Ecuador
democraciaAbierta (Jan. 2021)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El proyecto solar en Manabí marca un cambio en el uso de la tierra para producción de energía intensiva en carbono a una baja en carbono.
democraciaAbierta (Jan. 2021)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El proyecto solar en Manabí marca un cambio en el uso de la tierra para producción de energía intensiva en carbono a una baja en carbono.
A victory for Indigenous environmental activism in Ecuador
Toward Freedom (Dec. 2020)
+ openDemocracy (English) + Resilience + Defend Them All
Following years of organizing and campaigning, the Regional Director of the national Ministry for the Environment & Water confirmed the Indigenous community’s request: land that they own collectively is now formally recognized as a national Protected Hydrological Area (APH).
Toward Freedom (Dec. 2020)
+ openDemocracy (English) + Resilience + Defend Them All
Following years of organizing and campaigning, the Regional Director of the national Ministry for the Environment & Water confirmed the Indigenous community’s request: land that they own collectively is now formally recognized as a national Protected Hydrological Area (APH).
Importante victoria ambiental para la comunidad indígena en Ecuador
democraciaAbierta (Dec. 2020)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El Ministerio del Ambiente y Agua de Ecuador ha reconocido la tierra de propiedad colectiva de la comunidad indígena de San Isidro como Área de Protección Hídrica.
democraciaAbierta (Dec. 2020)
+ democraciaAbierta (Português)
El Ministerio del Ambiente y Agua de Ecuador ha reconocido la tierra de propiedad colectiva de la comunidad indígena de San Isidro como Área de Protección Hídrica.
Chile: 17 of 155 Constitutional Assembly seats will be reserved for Indigenous groups
openDemocracy (Dec. 2020)
On 15 December, the House of Representatives and the Senate in Chile approved a bill ensuring Indigenous participation in the Constitutional Assembly. However, the original request was for 23 or 25 reserved seats.
openDemocracy (Dec. 2020)
On 15 December, the House of Representatives and the Senate in Chile approved a bill ensuring Indigenous participation in the Constitutional Assembly. However, the original request was for 23 or 25 reserved seats.
Chile: 17 de 155 escaños de la Asamblea Constituyente estarán reservados para grupos indígenas
democraciaAbierta (Dec. 2020) + democraciaAbierta (Português)
El 15 de diciembre de 2020, el Congreso Nacional de Chile aprobó un proyecto de ley que asegura que grupos indígenas participen en la próxima Asamblea Constituyente. Sin embargo, la solicitud original era de 23 o 25 escaños.
democraciaAbierta (Dec. 2020) + democraciaAbierta (Português)
El 15 de diciembre de 2020, el Congreso Nacional de Chile aprobó un proyecto de ley que asegura que grupos indígenas participen en la próxima Asamblea Constituyente. Sin embargo, la solicitud original era de 23 o 25 escaños.
A Day of Dignity for the Selk'nam People in Chile
Chile Today (Nov. 2020)
+ Countercurrents
Though Nov. 25 marks a dark time in their history, members of the Indigenous community Selk’nam Covadonga Ona are reclaiming the date as a ‘Day of Dignity’ in their ongoing struggles.
Chile Today (Nov. 2020)
+ Countercurrents
Though Nov. 25 marks a dark time in their history, members of the Indigenous community Selk’nam Covadonga Ona are reclaiming the date as a ‘Day of Dignity’ in their ongoing struggles.
Selk'nam Victory for Indigenous Recognition in Chile
ZNet (Jun. 2020)
+ Countercurrents
At a time of renewed social struggles for the rights of historically marginalized groups, the National Congress approved a bill calling for the Selk’nam people to be listed among the indigenous ethnic groups formally recognized by the State.
ZNet (Jun. 2020)
+ Countercurrents
At a time of renewed social struggles for the rights of historically marginalized groups, the National Congress approved a bill calling for the Selk’nam people to be listed among the indigenous ethnic groups formally recognized by the State.
Cat Canyon Emissions Numbers Are Wrong: Official Figures Are Far Worse
The Independent (Santa Barbara) / with J. Barandiaran (March 2019)
At the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission hearing in Santa Maria on March 13, the statistics presented regarding “responsible domestic energy” were inaccurate.
The Independent (Santa Barbara) / with J. Barandiaran (March 2019)
At the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission hearing in Santa Maria on March 13, the statistics presented regarding “responsible domestic energy” were inaccurate.
Santa Barbara would embarrass California if it approves this dirty oil project
San Francisco Chronicle / with J. Barandiaran & M. Damluji (March 2019)
If we are to achieve the necessary transition away from fossil fuels, then California communities need to unite against new oil extraction.
San Francisco Chronicle / with J. Barandiaran & M. Damluji (March 2019)
If we are to achieve the necessary transition away from fossil fuels, then California communities need to unite against new oil extraction.
The Páramo, Where Water is Born
Farming Matters (Global Edition)
San Isidro is an indigenous community in Ecuador’s central Andes that collectively built and manages an irrigation pipeline. The pipeline has brought life back to family farming and created more space for the community to protect the páramo, a source of water and life for farming communities and urban residents alike.
Farming Matters (Global Edition)
San Isidro is an indigenous community in Ecuador’s central Andes that collectively built and manages an irrigation pipeline. The pipeline has brought life back to family farming and created more space for the community to protect the páramo, a source of water and life for farming communities and urban residents alike.
El Páramo, donde nace el agua
LEISA: Revista de Agroecología
La importancia del páramo en San Isidro se refleja en muchos aspectos de la vida: en el trabajo que requiere su conservación, en los cultivos que sus aguas ayudan a producir, y en el tejido social de la comunidad.
LEISA: Revista de Agroecología
La importancia del páramo en San Isidro se refleja en muchos aspectos de la vida: en el trabajo que requiere su conservación, en los cultivos que sus aguas ayudan a producir, y en el tejido social de la comunidad.